Plural Verb Subject Verb Agreement

Plural verb subject verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number. This means that if the subject of a sentence is plural, then the verb that follows it should also be plural. Let’s take a look at some examples:

Incorrect: The team wins the game.

Correct: The team win the game.

In the first example, the verb “wins” is singular, while the subject “team” is plural. This is an error in plural verb subject verb agreement. The correct sentence should have the plural verb “win” to match the plural subject “team.”

Another example:

Incorrect: The group of friends likes to hang out at the mall.

Correct: The group of friends like to hang out at the mall.

In the second example, the verb “likes” is singular, while the subject “group of friends” is plural. The correct sentence should have the plural verb “like” to match the plural subject “group of friends.”

Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to plural verb subject verb agreement:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence. This will help you determine whether the verb should be singular or plural.

2. Don’t be fooled by prepositional phrases. Sometimes, prepositional phrases can confuse the subject-verb agreement because they may come between the subject and verb. However, the subject is still the noun or pronoun that the verb is describing.

3. Use your ears. When in doubt, read the sentence out loud. If it sounds off to you, it’s likely that there’s an error in the agreement.

In summary, ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number is essential for proper grammar. When dealing with plural subjects, it’s important to use plural verbs to match. By keeping these tips in mind and practicing, you’ll be able to master plural verb subject verb agreement in no time.